
Posts tagged ‘unix’

Remove ugly black line from under Gnome 3 window title bar

If you found this page, you probably don’t like the black border line that Gnome 3.16 added underneath the window title bar. I just came across it when I upgraded to Fedora 23. The old title bar used to blend seamlessly into the window background, but not anymore. more …

Filed under: Code.  Tagged: , .

One-liner to recursively convert flac to mp3

Here’s what I do, it uses FFmpeg, doesn’t require a for loop and should work on any POSIX-compliant system. Take note that it will delete your original files! The idea is to make a copy of your music folder first, and then run this command on the copy.

find -name "*.flac" -exec sh -c 'ffmpeg -i "$1" -acodec libmp3lame -aq 4 "${1%.flac}.mp3" && rm -f "$1"' _ {} \;

And that’s it! more …

Filed under: Code.  Tagged: , , , .

A better way to losslessly join MP3 files

I recently revisited a previous how-to I wrote up two years ago, thinking that there must be a better way to losslessly combine multiple MP3 files than to use 3 separate utilities.

The good news is, I think I’ve found the one true method. The bad news is, it still uses 3 programs. But, just like last time, the commands are short and sweet, and it’s easy to throw them into a shell script. more …

Filed under: Systems.  Tagged: , .

Android SDK and NOEXEC tmp partition hint

If you’ve installed the Android SDK, but running the tools/android GUI fails with an error message when Java can’t find your SWT-GTK libraries, here’s a possible explanation: Your /tmp partition is mounted with the noexec option. more …

Filed under: Systems.  Tagged: , .

How to losslessly concatenate / merge MP3 files

You’d think it would be very easy to combine multiple MP3 files into one, while preserving all the ID3 tag metadata and without re-encoding the audio (which is lossy). Well, it actually isn’t that hard at all, but since Google couldn’t find the answer for me, I thought I’d write it up. more …

Filed under: Systems.  Tagged: , .